LC6. July 2024 First release.

Release date: July 4th, 2024.


New Diploma Templates.

You can now choose between classic templates and new diploma templates created with Author. These new templates offer several advantages:

  • They are multi-language, adapting to the needs of all users.
  • They allow different versions of the same template, facilitating customization.
  • Diplomas are generated only once and remain available for download at any time, improving efficiency and user experience.
  • Any author can create their own templates, expanding design and customization options.

This feature is available for all instances with Author activated.

More information.

Important Changes in User Permissions.

  • Attendance Marking by Group Administrators Group administrators can now mark attendance for events for their group members. This improvement streamlines attendance management and allows for more precise participation tracking.
  • Content Publishing by Authors Authors can now publish content without needing validation from a validator. This change grants authors greater autonomy and speeds up the workflow.

Previous news:

LC6. June 2024 First release

Release date: June 19th, 2024


Learning Programs trainings in the Users profiles

Now when you enter the Users section and click on any of them, you can see all their trainings, including those of Learning Programs.

This feature is available for all instances with Learning Programs activated.

Author role can publish/unpublish

New permissions for the author roles, giving them the ability to publish and unpublish their content and the content of their catalogues. This way, all the authors of a catalogue can publish any of the contents that belong to it, not only their own creations.

This feature is available for all instances.

Share Shorts in Learner Portal

The integration of Share in Learner Portal is improved, adding the Shorts carousel that shows posts of this type available for the user to browse. This increases the visibility of Share on the platform and makes it easier to access the content.

This feature is available for all instances with Share activated.

More information

LC6. May 2024 First release


Admin Portal review (History screen)

We conducted an audit of the new Administrator Portal to ensure that no feature was missing from the previous version. For example, the title of the content to which the reports refer have been restored in the History screen, displayed in brackets next to the type of report.

This feature is available for all instances.

More info

LC6. March 2024 First release


Waitinglist in Events

If an event exceeds the maximum capacity, you can create a waiting list for the rest of the users to sign up. The system automatically enrolls them if a place is available, although you can also manage this waiting list manually.

This feature is available for all instances with Events enabled.

More info.

New dashboard: My team

My team manager report moves to Admin Portal, adding new categories with more information, and direct links to the training pages and user profiles.

This feature is available for all instances with Manager Report enabled.

More info.

Automatic synchro of Event attendance

From now on, attendance data is automatically synchronised with MS Teams one hour after the end of the event, no need to do it manually.

This feature is available for all instances with Events and MS Teams integration enabled.

More info.

Course editor opens in new tab

So far the Admin Portal course editor was displayed embedded in the same tab. From now on it will open in a new tab, this improves the security of the platform.

This feature is available for all instances.

LC6. April 2024 First release


Waitinglist in Events

If an event exceeds the maximum capacity, you can create a waiting list for the rest of the users to sign up. The system automatically enrolls them if a place is available, although you can also manage this waiting list manually

This feature is available for all instances with Events enabled.

More info.

New dashboard: My team

My team manager report moves to Admin Portal, adding new categories with more information, and direct links to the training pages and user profiles.

This feature is available for all instances with Manager Report enabled.

More info.

Automatic synchro of Event attendance

From now on, attendance data is automatically synchronised with MS Teams one hour after the end of the event, no need to do it manually.

This feature is available for all instances with Events and MS Teams integration enabled.

More info.

Course editor opens in new tab

So far the Admin Portal course editor was displayed embedded in the same tab. From now on it will open in a new tab, this improves the security of the platform.

This feature is available for all instances.

LC6. February 2024 Second release.

Release date: 22 January


Changes to the administrator portal

On February 1st at 4:00 AM CEST, we will welcome the new administration and student portals, replacing the old ones. This update will be completely transparent to all our users, as they will still be able to access the new portals through the application icons, just as they have done until now.


Assigning playlists to users

From now on, the administrator can assign playlists to users based on different criteria. Only those assigned to playlists will have the ability to view and subscribe to them.

New dashboard for administrators

We have launched a new dashboard that allows you to easily view the activity summary. This dashboard is available within the admin portal and allows you to view the number of posts produced within the tenant.

Playlist metrics:

  • Average number of posts per playlist
  • Average number of comments per post
  • Number of posts that are links and articles, including percentage view option.
  • Evolution of posts per month.
  • Monthly visits graph
  • Playlists with more activity by tags
  • Order of playlists by popularity
  • Most commented posts

Metrics of authors:

  • Most popular authors
  • Most active authors

More information.


Embedded component

An evolution of the old IFrame component, which changes its name and expands its possibilities. In addition to embedding content from an external URL, it also allows you to embed external animations and other types of content created with Canva, Adobe Illustrator or Genially.

More information.