Category: Learning Cloud

LC6. April 2024 First release


Waitinglist in Events

If an event exceeds the maximum capacity, you can create a waiting list for the rest of the users to sign up. The system automatically enrolls them if a place is available, although you can also manage this waiting list manually

This feature is available for all instances with Events enabled.

More info.

New dashboard: My team

My team manager report moves to Admin Portal, adding new categories with more information, and direct links to the training pages and user profiles.

This feature is available for all instances with Manager Report enabled.

More info.

Automatic synchro of Event attendance

From now on, attendance data is automatically synchronised with MS Teams one hour after the end of the event, no need to do it manually.

This feature is available for all instances with Events and MS Teams integration enabled.

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Course editor opens in new tab

So far the Admin Portal course editor was displayed embedded in the same tab. From now on it will open in a new tab, this improves the security of the platform.

This feature is available for all instances.

LMS. Updating the Learning Cloud icons

Release date: March 6th

This is only a graphical update that does not affect any functionality and does not affect any graphical customisation of the platform.

LC6. February 2024 Second release.

Release date: 22 January


Changes to the administrator portal

On February 1st at 4:00 AM CEST, we will welcome the new administration and student portals, replacing the old ones. This update will be completely transparent to all our users, as they will still be able to access the new portals through the application icons, just as they have done until now.


Assigning playlists to users

From now on, the administrator can assign playlists to users based on different criteria. Only those assigned to playlists will have the ability to view and subscribe to them.

New dashboard for administrators

We have launched a new dashboard that allows you to easily view the activity summary. This dashboard is available within the admin portal and allows you to view the number of posts produced within the tenant.

Playlist metrics:

  • Average number of posts per playlist
  • Average number of comments per post
  • Number of posts that are links and articles, including percentage view option.
  • Evolution of posts per month.
  • Monthly visits graph
  • Playlists with more activity by tags
  • Order of playlists by popularity
  • Most commented posts

Metrics of authors:

  • Most popular authors
  • Most active authors

More information.


Embedded component

An evolution of the old IFrame component, which changes its name and expands its possibilities. In addition to embedding content from an external URL, it also allows you to embed external animations and other types of content created with Canva, Adobe Illustrator or Genially.

More information.

News on reports and teacher-student chat

Release date: 18th January 2024

New feature allows to download reports

The recent launch of the Admin Portal 6.15 brings a key improvement to get the most out of the Reports: the ability to export and donwload lists on a CSV file. Users can review this on any computer or upload it to a data cloud.

This feature is currently only available for Courses and Users reports. It will be available for Pathways by January 31st.

More information.

Teacher-student direct chat

The new version of Admin Portal 6.15 adds a chat tool that allows direct communication between teacher and student, supervised by the administrator. This tool is available for courses, and is integrated in the platform interface. The Admin Portal displays it as a new tab within the training, and in the Learner Portal as a new button within the content.

More information.

Extended Fields for events

Learning Cloud 6 brought recently the feature to create an specific field for Courses or Itineraries. We are proud to announce that now the specific field for Events too.

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LMS significant learner portal changes

In order to make training easy to find and understand, Learning Cloud will adopt new names for carousels. These changes will show up in the side menu and the portal carousels by 31st January.

This update will enable users to find content quicker than before, becoming a seamless experience to identify mandatory and optional training.

Carousel NameCarousel Goal
FeaturedTraining that has been highlighted by the administrator to all users who are enrolled in them
Keep LearningTraining where the user is enrolled, their progress is higher than zero, and they are not completed by the user
RequiredTraining that has been made compulsory by the administrator and has not been completed yet by the user
My ListTraining where the user has clicked on the “Add to my list” button
ExploreMandatory, optional or recommended training, public and non-public courses
SoonTraining that will start in a near future
New nomenclature

News on filters and Reports upgrades

Release date: Wednesday, January 4th.

New pathway report tool

Discover the new pathway report tool that displays the progress data for all the trainings on pathways at the same time, generate a list with the trainings you want and quickly view the information on its evolution: start and end dates, current status, progress of students…

More information.

New filters on report of users progress

From now on, on user reports we offer options to filter the list results in the Open filters tool by course and range of dates.

More information.

New required courses field in the Pathway progress

In the Summary Pathway Progress tab, within the training, the Courses completed field splits into two categories to distinguish how many of them are required to overcome the formation.

Más información.

News on course filters

Release date: 20th December 

New reports and filters.

We introduce course report, a new reporting tool that allows customers to see the progress data for all the trainings of a course at the same time, generate a list with the trainings you want and quickly view the information on its evolution:

  • start and end dates,
  • current status,
  • progress of students.

More info.

Filter by Extended fields in Users report.

From now on customers will also find more options when filtering the results of the list in the Open filters tool. New search fields related to user information (course, status, progress…) will be avaliable, starting with user Extended fields.

More info

News on entity names and info cards

Release date: Thursday, November 23th.

Nomenclatures. Edition of entity names.

The platform administrator will be able to customise the names of the entities Courses and Itineraries in all available languages. For example, the literal itineraries could be replaced by plans in the platform.

The literal Itineraries recommended remains unchanged. In future releases, these carousels will be renamed Recommended, where different entities will coexist. 

More information.

Info cards.

Employees can see information about a course now, including reviews or rating, even if they are not enrolled in the course.

LC6. October 2023 First release

Release date: Wednesday, October 18th.


Extended fields for pathways

From this version onwards, administrators will be able to create extended fields for training pathways. The purpose of these fields is to help classify and find content more efficiently.

More information


New themes available: Lisbon, Porto, Osaka

The 1 series of themes is growing. In addition to the Sidney theme, we now have the Lisbon, Porto and Osaka themes, a series of themes designed to quickly create attractive, interactive content that will look great on any device where it is launched (both mobile devices and desktop and laptop computers), simply by choosing and dragging the different content blocks available: texts, images (with areas and markers) interactive videos, accordions, tabs, galleries, and a variety of questions: single answer, multiple answer, free text, relate items, sort list, drag over image, likert.

Valid for any subject. It is possible to create content in any of the themes of series 1, and change it for another of the same series a posteriori.

Component tree

Now authors with a Professional licence can see the tree with the structure of the components in a new panel, to know their hierarchy, and to be able to move them more comfortably.

Improved buttons

The buttons can be configured so that the content does not allow the learner to move on to the next page, or be considered completed, until the learner interacts (clicks) on the buttons that the author considers. Also with the advanced buttons.

LC6. September 2023 First release 

Release date: Wednesday, September 13th.


Required extended fields in courses

From now on you can mark the new extended fields as required to make them mandatory when creating a course.

Hotjar conector

Integration of Learner Portal with Hotjar, a web application which analyzes the product experience through surveys and other user interactions.


Redesign of the editor interface

Improved design with the most used options at a glance. New sidebar with quick access to page management, pop-ups, color schemes… At the top bar, version management, preview and publishing buttons. Page visibility in the navigation menu is managed from a floating window, more user-friendly for Easy authors.

New theme available: Sidney

Quickly create interactive content adapted to any device, simply by selecting content blocks: text, images, interactive videos, accordions, tabs, galleries and a variety of questions (single and multiple choice, matching, sorting, Likert…).

New Generation

New feature: Events

Discover training events, on-site or online.

New carousels

Deleted Enrolled and Recommended carousels and added new ones News and Mandatories.

Changed Notifications

Instead of use Recommended and Enrolled carousels for get new trainings. From now we use Notifications list in user profile.