Category: Learning Cloud

Learning Cloud 5.27

On Wednesday, 22 February, the LearningCloud team rolls out Release 5.27 


  • New languages: from this release, the platform will have new languages such as Bulgarian, Slovenian and Hungarian.
  • Increase in the number of carousels: given the great reception of the carousel configurator among our customers, we have decided to increase to twelve the number of carousels that each customer can create to organise their training.

learningCloud 5.18.1 – Information about validations

On 28 September we will deploy learningCloud 5.18.1, whose most important new features are:

Information about validations in the progress summary report and in the user progress detail.

These reports will now show validated status for those users who have completed other trainings of the same sprint and have therefore been validated in this training.

Inactive users.

From this version onwards, the progress of all active users and inactive users who completed the training (or were validated) will be shown in the progress summary report.

learningCloud 5.18 – Setting pre-requisites (milestones) between sprints within a channel

On 14 September we will deploy the new version of learningCloud (5.18) whose most important new features are:

Setting pre-requisites (milestones) between sprints within a channel

Until this version, navigation between stages of a channel was sequential. A user had to complete all the required sprints of a stage before moving on to the next one. From this version onwards, the channel author can customise the navigation and set the pre-requisites for each sprint. For example, for the second sprint of stage 2, he could set as a pre-requisite:

  • Complete all the sprints in stage 1
  • Complete some sprints on stage 1
  • Complete the previous sprints in stage 2
  • No prerequisites

From this version onwards, sequential navigation will no longer be enabled by default but all channels created before this version will keep the previous behaviour, i.e. a user must complete all required sprints of a stage before moving on to the next one.

If you create a new channel, don’t forget to set the pre-requisites.

learningCloud 5.17.1 – Validation at the training level and new author filter.

Validation at training level

Until now, if a user was enrolled in a sprint or channel training that they had previously completed, the platform automatically validated the enrolment in the new training and the user did not need to complete it again.

Now administrators and group administrators can decide, when creating a new training, whether it is validatable or not. The default behaviour will be the current one (it will be validatable) but they will be able to change this behaviour so that users who register for this new training will have to complete it again.

In many occasions an employee must re-complete a training to obtain an annual certification. In this type of scenario it is necessary to deactivate the option “validations” in the training.

Filtering by author in the sprints and channels list

We have added a new filter in the screen that shows the list of sprints and in the screen that shows the list of channels to allow filtering by author.

This way it is possible to display all the sprints or channels that have been created by a specific author.

learningCloud 5.16.5 – New filter in the list of channels

New filter in the list of channels and sprints.

For all those customers with the Multiorganisation addon activated, a new filter has been added to allow searching for Sprints and channels within a catalogue.

New author field in the sprint list

A new field has been added in the sprint list to show who is the creator of the sprint.

Logo customisation in the student portal

With this functionality, learningCloud customers will be able to upload their own logo or image to learningCloud to be displayed in the learner portal.

learningCloud 4.5.5 – Pathways with stages

As an administrator

The Pathways tool allows the creation of training itineraries by establishing blocks between Sprints to determine prerequisites between training content. From version 4.5.5 stages are established within Pathways.

Establishing stages allows to divide the training content and establish more flexible learning paths. Within each stage, at least one Sprint is required and there can be as many Sprints as we want. Stages establish blocks between each other. If you want to advance to the next stage you must have done (and completed) all Sprints marked as required in the previous stage.

In each stage there is no mandatory order for the completion of Sprints. Sprints can be performed in any order, only the order “recommended” by the administrator when establishing the list of Sprints will be part of a stage.

To change the order of the Sprints, simply drag & drop the Sprints to the desired position.

The Pathway may or may not have an associated badge that would be assigned after the Pathway is completed. If the requirements change during the process, i.e. if we increase the number of required Sprints or decrease the progress of the Pathway is calculated dynamically so that only students who have not completed the Pathway are affected.

As a student

A student when accessing their Pathway will see those Sprints belonging to the same stage unlocked and those belonging to a subsequent stage blocked.

As the students complete the Sprints, the next stages will be unlocked.

Students can view their progress and the Pathway badges any time.

One of the improvements introduced in this new release is that Sprints that belong to a pathway and are blocked, although they appear on the carousels, cannot be accessed.